Jordan Archaeological Museum


The Jordan Archaeological Museum is also located at the Amman Citadel and has a collection of artifacts dating back to the Bronze Age. The museum is also home to the Ain Ghazal Statues which date around 600-8000BCE. These statues are some of the oldest known statues in Jordan and are made from lime plaster and reed.

JUST-Able Evaluation  

Is an adequate number of accessible parking spaces available?

Is the car parking 2.5 meters in width plus 1.5-meters access aisle?

Is there a 2.5 meters wide space with minimum 2.5 meters wide access aisles and 2.5 meters of vertical clearance available for lift equipped vans?

Are the accessible aisles part of the route to the accessible entrance?

Are the accessible parking spaces close to the accessible entrance?

Is the accessible parking space marked (or painted on street) with the International symbol of accessibility? are these signs reading "van-accessible" at van signs?

Is there an enforcement procedure to ensure that accessible parking is used only by those who need it?

Is the route of travel stable, firm, slip resistant and blind friendly (supported textured tiling)?

Is the route at least 0.9 m in width?

Can all objects protruding into the circulation paths be detected by a person with visual disability using a cane? (located within 0.7 meters of the floor, or higher than 2.3 meters, or protruding less than 0.1 meters from the wall)

Is the ramp stable, firm, slip resistant and blind friendly (supported textured tiling)?

Are the slopes of ramps between the ratio of 1:10 - 1:12 meters?

Do curbs on the routes have curb cuts at drives, parking and drop-offs?

Are all ramps longer than 2 meters have railings on both sides?

Is there a 1.5 x 1.5 meters long level landing at every 9 meters’ horizontal length of the ramp, at the top and the bottom of the ramps, and at switchbacks?

If there are stairs at the main entrance is there also a ramp or lift, is there an alternative accessible entrance?

Do all inaccessible entrances have signs indicating the location of the nearest accessible entrance?

Does the entrance door have at least 0.8 meters door opening (for a double door and at least one 0.8 meters leaf?

Is there at least 0.5 meters of clear wall space on the full side of the door next to the handle?

Is the threshold edge less than or equal to 1 cm height, and if beveled is not more than 2 cm meters’ in height?

Is the door handle not higher than 1 meter, are the glass doors highlighted with a clear color to differentiate them from the building façade?

Can doors be opened without too much force, are they operable with a closed fist?

General text description:
الوصولية مناسبة بشكل عام لذوي الاعاقة الحركية والبصرية

Is the accessible entrance providing direct access to the main floor, lobby, or elevator?

Are all public spaces have an accessible route of travel?

Is the accessible route to all public spaces at least 0.9 meters wide?

Is there a minimum circle space of 1.5 meters for a person using a wheelchair in all directions for maneuvering?

Do doors in public spaces have at least 0.8meters clear opening, if the door has double openings does at least one of the openings have at least 0.8meters clear opening?

Is there at least 0.5 meters of clear wall space on the full side of the door next to the handle, so that a person using wheelchair or crutches can get near to open the door?

Is the threshold edge less than or equal to 1 cm height, and if beveled is not more than 2 cm meters’ in height?

2.3.1.Are all aisles and pathways to materials and services at least 0.9 meters wide؟

Is there a minimum circle space of 1.5 meters for a full wheelchair turn?

In circulation paths through public areas are all obstacles cane-detectable (located within 0.7 meters of the floor, or higher than 2.3 meters, or protruding less than 0.1 meters from the wall?

2.4.1. Is the room lighting system moderate and close to the outdoor sunlight? ( moderate lighting not very yellow or very white in color)

Are signs mounted with Centerline 1.53 meters from the floor?

If mounted above 2 meters, do they have letters at least 0.07 meters high, with high contrast, and non-glare finish?

are the signs mounted on the wall adjacent to latch side of door or as close as possible to the door handle?

Are characters raised in size between 1.5 to 5 cm high, with high color contrast ( for room numbers, restrooms, and exits).

Is the text of the sign brailed of the same information?

On each level, if there are stairs between the entrance and/ or elevator and essential public areas, is there an accessible alternate route?

If there is no elevator, ramp or lift, do the stairs treads have a non-slip surface?

If there is no elevator, ramp or lift, do the stairs have continued rails on both sides, with extensions beyond the top and bottom stairs?

General text description:
هناك وصولية جيدة من المدخل الرئيسي لموقع جبل القلعه الاثري الى المتحف ، ولكن هناك منحدر يتوسط المسار المؤدي الى المتحف مقابل معبد هرقل بنسبة ميلان اقل من 1:10 اما المدخل الرئيسي للمتحف فهو لايحقق وصولية لذوي الاعاقة الحركية وكذلك لا يوجد مداخل اخرى بديلة تمكن ذوي الاعاقة الحركية من الدخول الى المتحف ، والفراغات بداخلة مفتوحة كونها قاعة عرض ولكن قد يكون هناك صعوبة في الدوران، وكذلك لا تعتبر مناسبة لذوي الاعاقة البصرية بسبب كثرة العوائق . اما بالنسبة لطاولات العرض فهي بارتفاعات متفاوته منها متاح لذوي الاعاقة ومنها بارتفاعات غير مناسبة .

Is the stall door operable with a closed fist, inside and out?

Is there a wheel chair accessible stall that has an area of at least 1.5 by 1.5 meters, clear of the door swing? Or is there a stall that is less accessible but that provides greater access than a typical stall (either 0.69 by 1.75 meters or 1.2 by 1.75 meters)?

In the accessible stall are there grab bars behind and on the side wall nearest to the toilet?

Is the toilet seat 0.43 to 0.48 meters high?

Is the toilet seat supported with a built-in bidet or does it have a handheld bidet?

Are the soap and hand dryers within reach ranges and usable with one closed fist?

Is the mirror mounted with the bottom edges of the reflecting surface 1.02 meters high or lower?

Is there at least 0.73 meters from the floor to the bottom or the lavatory apron and 0.35 depth (excluding pipes)?

General text description:
تحقق دورات المياه وصولية مناسبة لذوي الاعاقة كما انها مجهزة من الداخل لهم .

General text description:
لا يوجد خدمات بنكية او اضافية داخل المتحف لذوي الاعاقة .

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  • Monday 08:00 - 20:00
  • Tuesday 20:00 - 20:00
  • Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
  • Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
  • Friday 08:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
  • Sunday 08:00 - 20:00


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